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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Picture of Student Learning so Celebrities











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UPR see Nila Gift Belongs Lasarus

Lasarus Kily Kily (67) is the owner of People's Unit (UPR) Nila Gift and fish in the fishing villages Tobuha District Powatu, the city of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi province, Indonesia, 29 have Lasarus pool terrace over 3 hectares of land. However, production is still minimal because the facility is still traditional supporters.

Location UPR Nila Gift Lasarus the property can not be seen from the road department Puwatu. However, there nameplate location, by in front of the office Tobuha villages. Location UPR is not much that is about 10 meters from Jalan Gunung Nipa - Nipa Powatu. Area of 1.5 hectares in area of 3 hectares of land.

Number of swimming as much as 29 plot that consists of 2 terrace fishing. Then plot pemijahan Gurame, fish, gold and indigo gift. Including pembenihan plot developed and pemijahan.

UPR visible diareal atmosphere is very natural. Around the location of the trees there is a protective area around the mountain. Even water from the pond 29 plot came from the local water pegunungn. In each plot swimming ditumbuhi tens of hybrid coconut tree heavy with fruit.

3 hectares of land owned Lasarus this dibelinya in the year 1970 is still a forest. Then in 1981 a number of cetaklah in the plot - the plot must unload the land, because it is still the anchor-shaped mountain. With tlatennya, Lasarus menekuni treat swimming - swimming own, which initially was still only a few plot. At the time the result was not a maximum.

Lasarus previous experience as a civil servant at the Treasury cash Sultra this country, do not have the knowledge to membudidaya fish. But when he had the task to other regions such as West Java, he has to open niatan land pembudidayaan fish. Moreover, supported by the location of assets, Lasarus and buy some books about how the method membudidaya fresh water fish.

Currently, production of fish in the UPR property Lasarus still limited. Fish seed sales revenue is still small, just about Rp 500 thousand - Rp 1 million per month. When compared to the area, should be treated as professionals, can beromzet dozen million.

Moreover, the type of fish that dibudidaya Lasarus expensive types of fish, such as gold fish and Nila. So far, only a market order of the community mendatanginya, including those who want to purchase seeds for fish diperlihara. "Production has not been up to us," he said.

The cause has not been as maximum production facilities are still limited. The process of cultivation of fish belonging to La Sarus is still very traditional. Swimming is still the original plot, which have not yet dilantai. For example in the plot because pemijahan not dilantai overall, the results pemijahan often fail. Gratitude - gratitude that the fish eggs dipijahkan can be 50 percent. Sometimes even naught because the location of silt, so difficult to breeding fish eggs.

According to the Lasarus if a bit more modern amenities, the production can be improved, and the market in certain market Kendari can receive whatever the amount. When this order is just not fulfilled. Niatan Lasarus actually have to develop the business with funds borrowed from banks. However, he fears, if omzet who have not enough for the bank to make the repayments. "Meanwhile jaminannya sure my business plus pool - this pool. What if later be confiscated," he said.

Lasarus only hope the party associated with this business, and want to develop the land of berpranserta own this fish. He believes if the UPR Nila Gift this forward, it will recruit more workers. Even if future production of fish would have many additional other business. For example food stall roasted fish that get fresh fish directly from kolamnya. "So this business can be great, and can create employment," harapnya.

But unfortunately UPR Nila Gift ever received an award from the Office of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) Sultra in the year 2003, had not got a touch of the government. Kendari Bapeda through the local administration and the DKP is agreed will help in making the well artesis location. The current dry season, water from the source of local water pengunungan dry. "I hope there is the matter with the business I am, to be more developed," the key.
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There are caves Sugipatane Relief Researcher layang, Suitable For Travelers

Sugipatane the cave entrance in the area of Cave Liangkabori, Muna regency, Southeast Sulawesi province, the site saved the unique culture, which is the relief kite on the cave wall. Painting on cave walls is still clearly visible today. Keunikannya a result, not a few people, both local and foreign hold only came to see their unique painting kites, people often call Muna as a kite Kolope. Kites are made from cassava leaf forest and strap made of pineapple fiber forests.

Picture tour site in the district Muna :


In connection with the place, as one of the tourist area with Liangkobori, the attraction has held a cultural festival, international kite which was followed by several countries in the world. Distance from the capital of the district is approximately 12 KM to the time of the 30 minutes, can only be reached with the two-wheeled vehicles only. Although the available routes of transportation to another object, its scope is only about 3.5 KM before tourism.

Head of Marketing Department of Culture and Tourism, Muna, Sitti Zamriah Safaa, SE, MSi claim that tourism is one cave Sugipatane area with Liangkabori, but already is not managed properly. But very potential to be developed into nature and cultural tourism are local, national to international. "Buktinya, kite Kolope to this keberadaanya recognized in the world. In fact, in July last year, we had to host the festival of kite world. Muna To that which is included to make it to layang Kolope. And until now It is the world recognize that layang in the first diMuna there, but there are also claims that there are in China.

One of the traditional leaders, Laode time dimintai commentary concerning Cave Sugipatane confess that I was unique be calculated. Keunikannya a result, many visitors who come. "Just imagine to get to the cave, not difficult. Because there is a map over the stone as the old guide. How to cave, we see only the map. And this is also quite strange, but that's the kejadiannya. So, this cave is often visited. Biar without any instructions from the local people, visitors can go by itself, "he said.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The SBI, KPR and KPM OCBC NISP Also Decrease

Decrease Interest Rates Bank Indonesia (SBI) to reach 8.25 percent appears to also result in a decrease in House Ownership Credit (KPR) and Credit Car Ownership (KPM) OCBC Bank NISP. "Interest rates and KPM KPR OCBC Bank NISP tend to go down since 9 February 2009 in which there are 3 options KPR interest rate that is 13.49 percent (for 3 months next following the interest rate market), 15.88 percent (for 12 months next following the interest rate market) and 16.5 percent (for 24 days next following the interest rate market), "said Erna Suparto, Bussiness Regional Coordinator iBT OCBC Bank NISP Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.

"The choice of flowers KPM consists of 7.44 percent (for 12 months next following the interest rate market), 8.4 percent (for 24 days next following the interest rate market) and 9 percent (for 36 months next following the interest rate market), "said Erna.

Erna also revealed the need to change the name into OCBC Bank NISP NISP. "Since the 15th of December 2008, the PT Bank NISP Tbk changed its name to PT Bank OCBC NISP, so also with the logo. Through changes in name and logo that we (OCBC Bank NISP, red) will always strive to provide added value for the large business families and customers, "said Erna.

"Therefore, we will gradually make the replacement of facilities such as transaction passbook, checkbook, ATM card and giro with new name and logo. However, the deal means old can still be used," said Erna.
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Barongsai Dikembangkan Di Kendari

-- Diyakini Pembawa Berkah, Kini Bukan Saja Digeluti Warga Tianghoa

Kemeriahan Imlek, tidak terlepas dari atraksi Barongsai. Budaya warga Tionghoa, yang mempertontonkan atraksi akrobat dan diyakini bisa mendatangkan berkah bagi mereka yang memesan.

Kawijaya, pelatih dan orang yang pertamakali mengembangkan tradisi budaya Barongsai di Kota Kendari meyakini bahwa seni Barongsai dapat membawa berkah bagi mereka yang menyaksikan.

Gambar barongsai datangi Gubernur Sultra Nur Alam

Pria uzur yang enggan menyebutkan umurnya itu dan masih terlihat kokoh, punya alasan yang telah dibuktikan. Terlepas benar atau tidak, katanya, terpilihnya Nur Alam sebagai Gubernur Sultra dan Ir Asrun sebagai Wali Kota Kendari, tidak terlepas berkah dari menyaksikan pertunjukan barongsai, yang dilakukan sebelum pemilihan.

Gambar Kawijaya, pelatih Barongsai dan para muridnya

"Hanya Pak Nur Alam dan Asrun yang sering menyaksikan pertunjukan barongsai. Calon lainnya, belum pernah nonton. Karena itu mereka (Nur Alam dan Ir Asrun red) mendapat berkah dan terpilih," kenang Kawijaya.

Ia pun mulai merunut, awal dirinya mendalami seni budaya Barongsai. Seni barongsai ia pelajari dari seorang teman di Ujung Pandang. Karena menyaksikan pertunjukannya, Kawijaya muda mulai tertarik untuk mendalami seni barongsai.

Untuk di Kendari, ia mulai merintis mengembangkan seni barongsai sejak tahun 2004. "Sebelum era reformasi, tradisi ini sulit berkembang, "timpalnya. Munculnya perhatian pemerintah dan menjadikan barongsai sebagai bagian budaya nasional, membuka tabir pengembangan seni akrobat yang mengandalkan kekuatan fisik itu.

Awal ia dirikan "perguruan" barongsai yang berpusat di vihara Eka Dharma Manggala (depan Kendari Beach), diikuti oleh 20 lebih murid, dari berbagai suku. "Barongsai bukan lagi milik warga Tianghoa, tapi sudah menjadi budaya Nasional," terangnya.

Namun saat ini, murid-muridnya yang bertahan tinggal 10 orang, dan didominasi oleh warga lokal, yang berasal dari wilayah Ranomeeto. Agar membuat mereka tetap tertarik mempelajari barongsai, ongkos transportasi ditanggungnya. Setiap hari Kawijaya harus merogok kocek Rp 100 Ribu, untuk membiayai murid-muridnya. "Mendekati hari raya Cap Gome tiap hari mereka latihan," timpalnya.

Untuk belajar seni barongsai gampang-gampang susah, tergantung kemauan orangnya untuk mempelajari. Jika mempunyai keinginan kuat, akan cepat menguasai seni akrobatik asal Negeri Tirai Bambu itu.
Awalnya Kawijaya mengajarkan ketahanan fisik, untuk kekuatan kuda-kuda. Setelah dirasa cukup, kemudian diajarkan langkah. "Kita ajarkan mereka kungfu sebagai dasar dari seni Barongsai, "ucapnya.
Sedangkan untuk tekhnik gerakannya, para anggota barongsai ini banyak mendapatkan dari hasil menyaksikan VCD yang menjadi koleksinya. Selain itu, sering menyaksikan gerakan binatang. Jika memegang barongsai macan, harus tahu bagaimana sikap macan, saat menyerang dan bertahan. Orang yang bisa dibilang menguasai seni barongsai, bila bisa membuat barongsai nampak hidup seperti binatang asli.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009


Saya mau berbagi ilmu cara mendapatkan dana, lebih lengkapnya silahkan berkunjung di website ini :

Secara ringkas saya mencoba jelaskan. Program ini bernama INVESTASI MANDIRI . Bagi siapa saja yang saat ini membutuhkan bantuan dana untuk keperluan yang positif seperti :
1. Investasi membuka/mengembangkan usaha
2. Melunasi hutang
3. Biaya sekolah atau kuliah (Beasiswa), dalam dan luar negeri
4. Biaya riset ilmiah
5. Kegiatan sosial, termasuk LSM
6. dan sebagainya.

Bisa mengikuti program ini. Dalam program ini tersedia dana dengan jumlah tak terbatas yang berasal dari ribuan sumber sehingga memungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk mendaftar dan berpeluang mendapatkan dana hibah, tanpa syarat!.

Program ini merupakan program yang mengutamakan kebersamaan, dengan prinsip dari kita, oleh kita dan untuk kita, bersifat terbuka dan tidak ada pihak yang secara langsung bisa mengontrol ataupun bertanggung jawab terhadap sistem secara keseluruhan.

Peran kontrol dan tanggung jawab dipegang sepenuhnya oleh seluruh member yang telah mendaftar dan aktif. Program ini adalah independen, tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan pemerintah, pihak Bank Mandiri maupun badan hukum lainnya ataupun lembaga sosial/perseorangan. Namun secara keseluruhan program ini menggunakan fasilitas Bank Mandiri sebagai media transaksi finansialnya.

Program ini adalah unik, karena pendiri/founder program justru tidak mendapatkan keuntungan apapun, sehingga sistem ini tidak bisa ditiru. Program Investasi Mandiri diciptakan semata-mata dengan niat ikhlas untuk membantu sesama.

Konsep dasar dari program ini adalah bagaimana caranya supaya setiap orang, baik yang kuat secara finansial maupun yang lemah kemampuan finansialnya bisa memperoleh fasilitas pendanaan tak terbatas, tanpa syarat, tanpa bunga, dan tanpa perlu mengembalikan, namun dengan investasi yang sangat minim.

Dengan harapan, Program ini bisa/mampu memberdayakan masyarakat ekonomi lemah dan sektor industri menengah ke bawah agar terbebas dari masalah permodalan yang selama ini menjadi kendala mereka.

Silahkan catat dan kunjungi website ini: dan baca selengkapnya, pelajari hingga mengerti. KESUKSESAN ANDA TERLETAK DI TANGAN ANDA SENDIRI

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Importance of Caring for Women's Beauty

Caring for the entire face and body, for women is very important meaning. Face of the treatment, beauty of a woman will be radiated. But the beauty will not send out a positive aura, if not accompanied by the beauty of the heart. That is the balance between them, which will create inner beauty radiated from the face of the owner, so that exude elegance for the view.

Image Importance of Caring for Women's Beauty

Understanding the importance, a woman caring for the face and body, the Chairman of the PKK Sultra, Dra Hj Tina Nur Alam, cooperation PT Mustika Ratu, a day with a seminar with the Mustika Ratu titled "Prima KIAT Healthy and Productive For Women's Self," which lasted Red and White in the Hall Rujab Governor, yesterday.

The goal, adopted the science that from Hadiningrat Surakarta palace of culture, which has been unmasked disclose beauty Java era palace daughter first. Thus, women of Kendari, able to be private "Ngadi Saliro Ngadi Busono" the withdrawal daughter palace.

Present as the speakers, Dra Lissy Sulistyani and Dra Hj Haroen Elly. No lag, elders Mustika Ratu, DR Moeryati Bra Soedibyo, present the material in the present smeinar it.

Seminar, get full of enthusiastic mothers who are driving the PKK Sultra, Dekranasda, the province and duty of women Pertiwi and other organizations womanhood. Themes of the material remains secret beloved husband at the age of well-established, making the Red White Hall, crowded with mothers.

Lissy Sulistyani with the spirit of sharing knowledge on the class beauty companies in Indonesia that, for women Sultra. According Lissy, the stages of life of women from the baby starts to the menopause. From research PERMI doctors in Jakarta, West Java, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Malang against women respondents in 1350, found the average age of menopause in the 49 years. At the age of the complaint that is often felt painful joints, body weakness and concentration difficult to "drought" for women.

Before that time comes, there is the so-called pre menopause. This period began in the age of 35 years. "Caring for the body and face, it's very important for women. Age is the age range of 2 calendar and biological age. Age calendar is the calendar according to actual age. The age of biological age where that is, the policy in the face and body of a woman, appeared as a result of contraction age. If women do not treat the body and face since early, then the old time before, so will the specter of all. Finally, the husband will be so cool with my wife, " hes said screed.

Conditions, go Lissy, certainly does not want a woman. By that, women need to merawah body and face. But to keep in mind, care for the face, must have a high natural womb. Gynecology is only available in the product Mustika Ratu. The company's products Moeryati Soedibyo it, comes from plants that are only in Indonesia and is not found in other countries who are in the form of herbal medicine. However, all of them, must also be balanced with adequate sports and of course have to approach on the power. So that radiated beauty typical Indonesian women.

"Beauty, will not be radiated perfect if we do not become private ngadi saliro ngadi busono, which has a basic philosophy of elegance trilogy women. Ngadi saliro means caring beauty plenary. Ngadi busono, art and dress well and properly in accordance with the customs and habits and personality of Indonesia that to the decency and fairness in an effort to reach the image of elegant and interesting, " hes said.

Mustika Ratu has proven advantages to bring the product quality and high value, which is able to maintain the beauty of women in Indonesia face seutuhnya. DR Bra Moeryati Soedibyo obvious example is that women in Indonesia still beautiful in the twilight age.
Vice Chairman of the MPR RI, he could have a face without a lot of contraction, because he treated himself clever. Since first, he was most "tendentious" to spoil the body's affairs. However, the result has now enjoy it. He can become a mother at the same time be capable businesswoman leadership. Look elegant and beautiful face, even able to bring them to sit in the seat parliament.

"Women are independent, confident, able to occupy an important role in various activities, which is expected. That's why women need to maintain a beauty face and body, to stay fit and when the prime many people," said the grandmother of 11 grandchildren, while the he bustle so many well-preserved remains in the age of 81 years.

Meanwhile, Hj Tina said Nur Alam, tersbeut seminars aim to be the mother, in between the press of daily household as mother, worker and businessman or active in the organization, can have a growing insight, ethics and the broad socially effective and have a look the glamor, but still limited by a corridor of culture and civility and elegant with age. In addition, women must also keep outside in prime health, to be more beloved husband.

"I hope after the mothers take this one day seminar, they can gain insight, knowledge and apply them stock. So the quality of the wife can be," hes said.
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Saturday, January 31, 2009


-- Honor Guru Se-Sultra Disetujui Rp 27 M
-- Perorang Diberi Insentif Rp 150 rb/bulan

Sepekan menjadi perdebatan panjang menyikapi catatan evaluasi Depdagri, ABPD Sultra, Jum'at (30/1) mendapat legitimasi parlemen Sultra. Beberapa poin penting dari pengesahan APBD 2009, tersirat alokasi pendidikan 16,24 persen, dari Rp 1,25 Triliun anggaran APBD. Kadir Ole, Wakil ketua DPRD menguraikan ploting dana pada sektor pendidikan dialokasikan 10,41 persen. Namun bila dikonversi secara keseluruhan dari dana Block Grant, maka segmen pendidikan ditotalkan 16,24 persen.

Gambar Guru-Guru Yang Menyusun Strategi Pembelajaran

Diakui, kendati tidak mencapai bilangan 20 persen, seperti penegasan undang-undang Sisdiknas (Sistem Pendidikan Nasional), menurut Kadir, penganggarannya disesuaikan dengan kemampuan daerah. Itu pun setelah dikonsultasikan ke Depdagri, alkhirnya Jakarta bisa memahami kondisi keuangan daerah.

Namun karya fenomenal Gubernur Nur Alam, yang mendapat apresiasi Depdagri adalah alokasi insentif guru se-Sultra senilai Rp 27 Miliar. Asumsinya, perorang tenaga pendidik diberi honor Rp 150 ribu/bulan. "Bukan nilainya, tetapi bagaimana bentuk penghargaan pemerintah terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan guru di daerah," cetus wakil ketua DPRD Sultra ini.

Kadir mengungkapkan dari beberapa lingkup SKPD (satuan kerja perangkat daerah), Kimpraswil berada pada peringkat pertama penerima stimulus APBD, tak main-main, menembus angka Rp 130 M. Tetapi terkait Dinas paling sedikit mendapat kucuran rupiah, mantan eks kader PPP ini menandaskan eksekutif, dan dewan tidak memperhitungkan demikian, tetapi penyusunan anggaran disesuaikan pada skala prioritas pembangunan daerah.

Unsur pimpinan dewan ini mengakui, untuk dapat mengakomodir keseluruhan draft APBD yang diusulkan SKPD, setidaknya dibutuhkan anggaran Rp 10 T, akan tetapi nyatanya kemampuan daerah, hanya Rp 1,25 T.

Salah satu bentuk efisiensi anggaran APBD 2009, kata La Pili, anggota panitia anggaran, perihal pemotongan dana bantuan Kapet Bukari, dari semula yang diusulkan Rp 1,3 M, direkomendasikan hanya Rp 400 juta.

Selain itu, Panwas (panitia pengawas pemilu) juga mendapat bantuan Rp 500 juta. Akan tetapi KPU belum diporsikan dalam APBD. La Pili mengakui, legislatif masih menunggu aturan main, dan produk hukum dari KPU pusat. " Usulan dikaji secara rasional," tegas anggota komisi A ini.

Secara terpisah, Wakil Gubernur Saleh Lasata menuturkan jika diprosentasekan anggaran pada sektor publik lebih dominan dalam ABPD 2009, perbandingannya 60:40. Artinya 40 persen diposkan untuk penganggaran belanja aparatur. Selebihnya berpijak pada kebutuhan rakyat termasuk didalamnya bantuan keuangan Rp 100 juta desa/kelurahan, kesehatan, dan pendidikan gratis.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Telkomsel Recorded Activation Black Berry High in Southeast Asia

Telkomsel record growth in subscribers Black Berry highest in Southeast Asia (Asean) in December 2008, the 9435 reached a new activation. This is not apart from Telkomsel in introducing pioneering methods activation Black Berry with very simple way, namely via SMS the first in the world.

The Consumer Black Berry

"Innovation is supported by the network service GPRS, EDGE, and 3G terluas become key advantages Black Berry service Telkomsel. Currently, Black Berry Telkomsel subscribers has reached 35,000, where 75 persennya is a post-pay customers kartuHALO and 25 persennya prepaid (simPATI Card and As)," said Nirwan Lesmana, GM Marketing Communications Telkomsel releasenya through the press.

Nirwan said further innovation has been the ease of service, where in May 2008 Telkomsel spearhead Black Berry prepaid presence in Southeast Asia and introduced the first activation via SMS in the world. "From the network, service Black Berry served by Telkomsel extensive network to the border and throughout the country so that wherever they are able to enjoy this service. In fact, the network service capacity Black Berry we will increase five-fold to be up to the end of this year. This will add convenience in terms of access, download, and other messages," added Nirwan.

"We realize Black Berry has been a part of the lifestyle, which in the middle mobilitasnya customers need to stay connected with a variety of information whenever and wherever they are. For that Telkomsel is always to update customers with the devices latest Black Berry, so that customers will enjoy the perfect blend device with the latest lifestyle terluas Telkomsel network that reaches almost the entire population of Indonesia," he said.

Black Berry is now in line with the noise in the various media coverage in the world that Barack Obama told a very tacky and like Black Berry services in supporting the day-to-day activities as the new president of the United States.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Excellence Laptops

Before you have a laptop, you first need to know more play laptop that you will buy, I try to share knowledge about this laptop

Images of women that makes the laptop as a tool ease the task of :



Excellence Laptops

1. Brand Type Axioo NV
a. Using the Intel Celeron-M and Intel Pentium Dual Core
b. DDR memory Visipro (Generation II)
c. capacity of 256 MB and 512 MB Lifetime Warranty

d. Equipped with integrated web camera 300K
e. Ease Up in grade, the replacement of spare parts and a separate
warranty (Intel Processor, Visipro RAM, HDD Seagate Notebook and Overall)
2. Acer Brand Type AOA 150
a. Screen measuring 8.9 Inc.
b. Batteries last longer up to 4 hours
c. 1 Giga memory
d. Capacity of 120 Giga hardisk
e. Operating systems using Windows XP Home
f. Have Wifi and Web 0.3 megapixel Came to the level of bright light be calculated higher

3. Toshiba Tecra R10 Type
a. Size 14.1 Inc. and has about 4.4 Pounds weight and thickness is only 1.13 Inc
b. Have a specific notebook
* Using the Intel Centrino 2 Processor
* Graphics Memory 128 MB
* 3GB of DDR2 memory
* Provide a great place where the 160 GB hard drive with 7200 RPM
* Provide Web Cam and microphone
c. Battery resistance to 5.48 hours
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Monday, January 26, 2009

Preparation for Working Journalists Environment in Dangerous

Most significantly the usual overwrite journalists in the area of the war when they are working in range rifle, bombs, mines, rocket or artillery. But environmental harm wider region rather than a battle field. When the cover insurrection or inform the public sense, journalists are more likely to experience physical danger when compared with traditional coverage of war between the regular army. A journalist who worked far from basisnya without the usual support they have also take the form of:

- Disease
- Traffic accidents and other accidents
- Violence, including a targeted attack
- Blasting
- Fatigue
- Emotional stress and moral failure.

Many journalists who slowly fall because of disease or traffic accidents compared with yan journalists killed or injured in the war, journalists and the sick because of a fever or food poisoning, not a normal function or copy the file to. Fokuslah although the main danger appears to be no risk segemerlap role in the field. Violence often comes from the unexpected direction, such as a demonstration of ongoing fierce or community members who feel aggrieved frutasi their release to the media.

A matter that can be understandable if many journalists who covered the story in a variety of situations prepare the environment that are not in the habit outside normal pressure. Journalists need to prepare the mental, physical and with the reasonable. The goal is to be vigilant so that journalists and precautions they can. Stay in control the situation as much as possible is better than trust fortune. A journalist is almost never actually can control, and no one can be called a zero risk, but any journalist can assess risk and be more alert to the danger.

even the situation does not look dangerous to be dangerous to ordinary reporters or camera crew is not prepared, the situation is very dangerous safer through risk assessment, preparation and implementation of both the knowledge you have. Planning not only to bring you coverage and kambali kelokasi dangan more survivors, but also help you identify the key elements of the story that will tell you, you will liput. Also planning to give more knowledge to you, and more effective in gathering news or pictures.

Before departure

a) make sure you are healthy physical condition to carry out this task
Many journalists who accept the task for improving career, even though they endanger. But every journalist must be honest in themselves. What physical condition you are in a reasonable level of health? If circumstances force mampukah you walk or run through the night to save themselves? Can you work far from the hotel's convenient? Fitnes become very important and you must be physically able to work when needed.

b) expand your knowledge about the local situation
what you know about political and social situation of the regions you enter? Who the main players? Short reports about whether the latest development is enough? What languages do they use? How their attitude towards the media in general? How their attitude towards you? How their attitude towards the media you? Are you at risk is greater because of your tribe? Will the group have a history of violence against journalists or be cruel to the civil society? Where is the border that you need to know? Is there an area that can not be skipped? Permission what you need and from whom? Will the incident affect you out of the way?

Information about the situation, the people and the community that you liput is vital information. The journalists that are less about the local culture and language can make a big mistake journalists. They easily alienate and offend the local community without them realize. Even journalists who cover themselves in the country can also load a mistake when entering areas that are not dikenalnya. This can be caused by differences in language or dialect that digunakan.untuk cover their nervous or because the patient does not want to get the story, some journalists to speak to use the tone arogan. In general, journalists and photographers who treat people with respect, more successful in getting the cooperation of local communities.

Knowledge of language is a valuable asset. If you work in one place for some time, at least learn basic words. Journalists often send a notice to cover a short story using language that does not understand or they may be considered hostile. However, people usually want to hear if you greet them with the language they use. Learn umgkapan-expression such as: "a journalist is," Can you help me? or "I need a doctor."

Many things that you do not know when your first time to come to a country or a region. Journalists who either do not know all about it, but they ask questions and learn quickly. You can get vital information from the journalists a first come and work there. They can share experiences that will help you more quickly. However, some journalists into the warehouse of cynicism that prevents us with clear thinking. Trained media professionals appreciate the people who are in the work place merka. Journalists to describe the place and the people they liput with words that do not insult may help you dig up the local situation in depth.

c) know your rights
Fire does not enter into the burnt building without knowing what they face and how to address them, but journalists are always going to cover a conflict without knowing the rules that apply there. Many journalists who leave the stock little information about the area, and international laws and local practices or even at all without the knowledge. They went on without awareness of their rights as an independent and neutral observers. Only a few journalists who can quote the relevant protocols of the geneva konvesi and humanitarian laws that affirm the rights of those non-combat.
Journalists must be on the political and legal conditions of a region. Before leaving they need to know the role of international Committee of the red cross (red cross international), representatives of UN agencies and regional representatives.

d) social protection
What if bad things happen? Do you have insurance and what will happen to your family? Needs to be given immediate medical treatment and is rehabilitation. It takes a longer time to do physical injury rehabilitation or psychological injury. Journalists need to know that their earnings will still be given and not reduced if they were not able to work. If they are killed then the money will be given to their families. Groups, the media may say that they do not have the resources for this form of insurance such as, but one has to pay the price and not in private. Journalists organizations must ensure that this important request is approved. Insurance and medical insurance provided to freelance journalists should be the same as the amount given to staff members. Insurance and insurance must also be given to all team members.

e) Review of dangerous diseases
PPA disease is prevalent in the location that you will liput? Do you need special immunizations? Do you have to take drugs? You can find information on the site the world organisazation international travel and health. address.

f) Path clear information desk with the news you
Communication with the news desk or producers can be a problem when you are away from the office.

g) Bringing the right equipment
Equipment that allows nearly unlimited number of vehicles began lining steel, satellite phone, a light waterproof, to a piece for dibarter brown. Too much equipment you can take depending on the location and your resources. List some of the most important tools:

Press card
Card is a press badge that also includes your picture.

Important numbers
Bring a list of phone numbers, along with important notes who should be contacted when the accident occurred.

Empty wallet
Money and important documents you must be stored safely in a place not visible.

In conflict situations, usually the source of clean water stops flowing or terkontaminasi.

Box P3K
P3K box is a vital need for journalists who may be outside the range of medical services.

Long lens
Cameraman and photographers have a way that they are more secure with a long lens.

Take a whistle, when a wind instrument any time you need to attract attention or give a warning.

Personal needs
If you work far from the base or to stay, make sure you bring the equipment to maintain personal hygiene and your spirit.

h) Preparing the vehicle
When you are away from base for long periods, you should have your own vehicle. This is not just for security and speed your journey, but also to save the equipment that was difficult. When possible, drivers should use the dedicated members of your team.

i) Take the appropriate clothing
Clothes that you need depends on the climate, season and length of your stay away from the base.

Shoes are important to support the needs of mobility and can run in a long time if needed.

Clothing pomp and flake
In some cases use several layers so you can wear when you release, marasa fervor. Outermost layer of clothing should be loose. Terdalam layer should be from natural cotton or other materials. Be careful, you can not make a mistake on a soldier - especially if you wear a jacket bearing no transparency.

Protective clothing
If you ditembak, you will need a strong protection. The best protection comes from the body combat jacket with a protective armor for the neck, neck, and the lower part of the body that has a cover with steel plates that can be entered. Ceramic plate steel and lighter than the metal plate but need treatment. Combat jacket will protect some fire with small arms fire, speed and low pieces of mine. Steel plate will protect from weapons fire shot high-speed and sharpshooter. But heavy jacket with two steel plate (d idepan and on the back) is about 12 kilograms (26 pounds). You may not run out of time if using this equipment and helmets. Protection equipment is designed for women, although the price tends to be more expensive.
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Government Corruption Reports Kendari Restive TII

Vice Mayor of Kendari, H Musadar Mappasomba, MP respect the results of research conducted by Transparency International Indonesia (TII). Results publication of Kendari TII says local government is the most corrupt number 47 after Monokwari, Tegal, and Kupang.

Master of Agriculture UGM Jogyakarta this, said the survey will be the reference NGO government with Mayor of Ir Asrun to improve, and do pembenahan structural improvements related public services. "This means control, we will bercermin from TII results," said Musadar, found that, on Thursday (22 / 1) ago.

A prop, not reject the results TII publication, but said he should be made clear that the variable sampling in the release of the corruption perception index of cities in Indonesia.

By that, Musadar confess surprised, as if not believing, and after the city with the motto Kendari Bertaqwa is in the key position of an interpreter. Not mean that anti criticism but a clear, up to now TII indicator assessment, is not known which refers to the reference.

Related to this result, his view of what will be done by the institution. Moreover Pemkot, now continue to improve access to public services, such as licensing, ID, and free health care for the community.

TII publications, are in contrast with the success of the Ir Asrun Service received an award Citra Prima 2008 with success in improving the quality of public services in health Poasia.

A known, three days ago the survey measuring corruption perception index (GPA), which conducted Transparancy International (TI) Indonesia in 50 cities in the country during the year 2008, of Kendari, only able to set aside three cities, with raihan value of 3.43 points. Terpaut far from Jogyakarta get the highest score of 6.43.

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Life Cycle Turtle the Endangered

Natural Resources (SDA), which can be updated and has been used in the plants and animals are. Marine biota is one of the natural resources that have been used, since people inhabit the coast. Biota of the sea for example, the turtle. However, management has not been much to the preservation system.

Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and the turtle shell (Eretmoehelys imbricata). Although both types of turtle is protected by law in Indonesia, but can still be maintained as long as the rules apply. In fact, the business of maintenance turtle on a small scale and appropriate conditions that can bring prosperity in terms of economic improvement can be done, without damage to turtle populations.

Turtle eggs and meat can be a result of material consumption, while the scale / karapas used as jewelry and opsetan that have high commercial value. Penyu including animals from the nation's turtle. However, turtles can live only in fresh water and vice versa, turtle living in the sea water. The form of the body of turtle, is different from the turtle, turtle and green turtle shell, the weight can reach 230 kilograms, with long kerapas more than 125 centimeters and 15 centimeters wide head. It's the type of turtle star fruit with long reach more than 190 centimeters and weight about 600 kilograms.

Life cycle most of the turtle is in the sea, when in the land, living turtle is on phase Tukik (children turtle), a new exit from the egg (crack) tekik until discharge from the nest in the time period of approximately 7 days.
Special adult female turtle, dating it to the beach to lay eggs, for 2 to 3 hours. Green turtle looking for food in the sea ditumbuhi plants. In the year named Tukik 1/turtle children and adults after a karnivora and find food in the area of the relative shallow sea.

Generally, the process began laying turtle turtle adult ride to the beach, to return to the sea. That happened about an hour before the ebb and flow. For the green turtle, if need be 2-3 hours. Laying behavior in the green turtle through several stages:
1. Emerging from the sea and the maintenance of the location lay.
2. Dig a hole and the hole body of eggs
3. Lay
4. Close sarang
5. Cover the eggs and the security track
6. Back to the sea
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Share cartoons

Cartoons can make us calm when we see it, the various creations from every corner of the image to make our hearts consoled ...

Cartoon 1

Cartoon 2

Cartoon 3

Cartoon 4

Cartoon 5

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stories Forbidden Relations and the Head of the Village School Teachers

I have a story interesting and funny, but this is correct, I hope we can all take a lesson from this story.......

Halimah, a once-only name is actually already married and have two children, but feel that there are not good with the house. Women who have a good job this search for another man to love melabuhkan a simmer. The man who was a fortunate that the village of Konawe, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Sketsa Village Head of the Police caught

Their relationship has long covered only clever. But, his name also disgrace, surely come to light. One day, Halimah husband, Amir, his wife while look tandem with the dark man, in a house in Lorong kos Mekar, Kendari. Amir know that on 17 January.

In fact, said Amir, his wife is already going from back home since September, when he returned from Asera, Konawe North, without a clear reason. Amir was looking for his wife at various locations, but he can find. "It seems that my wife was already living the same house with another man," said Amir confessed to invite the police and two sons when his wife reveals that cases of treason.

According to him, the wife perselingkuhan cases now being handled by the investigator to be processed further. Based on receipt of a report a crime perzinahan, No. Pol: LP/61/K/I/2009/SPK, the report is received and Briptu Siswahyudi KA SPK "A" Ipda Untung Subagio
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Five infants suffering Month "Hydrocephalus" Need Help On

His mother image Rifki Together

Rifki, the new baby was five months, suffering from disease Hydrocephalus since birth. At the base of the head and nose, continue to increase from time to time. Youngest of three brothers, a pair Hasmawati (23) and Arman (30), the need immediate surgery.

Hasmawati, told enlargement at the base of the nose has been since her son was born. In a matter of days, the children also get involved. At the age of 24 days, Hasmawati bring Rifki to the doctor. From there, they know if their children suffer as a result of disease Hydrocephalus liquids into the nose and brain Rifki.

Operation has not been done, as unduly Rifki still young at that time. Medical advice, Rifki can be operated at the age of three or six months. Now, the age of five months already Rifki. However, in the absence of costs, the operation has yet to be done. Moreover, the operation should be done Rifki in Makassar.

Hasmawati, many can not hope to own a health insurance card is only a Bahteramas to finance the entire cost of operating a child. Hasmawati, only a housewife. While her husband, work as a laborer who only enough income to meet the needs of daily living. Residents in the Village District Ambaipua Konawe South Ranomeeto this hope, can operate as soon as possible with the help of children from all parties.

Anyone who wants to help provide assistance please ......
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About Demonstration Report Allegations of Corruption Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi

Images that demonstrate

Bored with promises prosecutors, hundreds of mass Committee for Democracy, Justice and Budget Transparency (Kudeta) back in the judiciary unjukrasa High (Kejati) South East Sulawesi, Monday (19/1). They demanded the prosecutor immediately restore file reports indicate corruption Regent Bombana Attiku Rahman.

Arwin M Malik, Coordinator Officer, said, Kajati performance is balanced Hutauruk. Section, since reports indicate corruption Regent Bombana of 2006 presented in Kejati, until now have not direspon prosecution. For that, Kudeta choose to take back the file that had been reported since three years ago.

"We bored with the promises that prosecutors only give a statement without any realization. Now, we ask that the report has been submitted to the Asintel Kejati Arifin Arie be returned to us. Do not report to us only as the prosecutor only ATM,'' accuse him.

As a form of disappointment over the performance of prosecutors, who brought mass keranda autopsy was planned to bring the problem to Atikurrahman Court Tipikor. For that, Kudeta urgent Kejati restore the file corruption that he said have been established penyelidiknya team. Arie Arifin who try to meet the masses declined. Wakajati AK Basuni M intends to give the explanation that the indications of corruption Bombana have been followed up, demonstrators also ignored.

Massa next five minutes to give the deadline for prosecutors to file the required return. Feeling ignored the request, the mass was stifling. They threw rotten eggs and tomatoes to the Kejati. As a result, the front door, including police and judiciary staff is exposed to throw eggs and tomatoes. Only, they do not terpancing in action pengunjuk sense of the urgent Kejati parties immediately submit the report Atikurrahman.

After one hour berorasi, mass consisting of various elements Sultra Affairs and this is the entry into force Kejati. The goal is to force the various reports that indicate corruption Bupati Bombana. There was jostling between officials with the mass, but soon overcome. Demonstration in the middle of the action, working in space Asintel Arie Arifin racket going. Apparently, the former Kajari Majalengka, swoon. See the group of prosecutors who have brought Asintel, no mass flow back to the side Kejati. They suspect petinggi Kejati Office intends to leave. After ensuring no one Kejati employees leave the office, the mass concentrated in the back door entrance. They were also not affected Ambulance RSUD Sultra intend to bring the Asintel. Demonstration who has aspirations of his 3 hour, as if not affected by the information Asintel unconscious. They would require the prosecutor to return back their reports. The situation back strain, when Wakajati AK Basuni meet again while the mass was never officially signed in the report indicate Attikurahman corruption.

Hear the explanation, the turbulent pendemonstrasi back. Police who try memediasi declined Kudeta. No matter Kapolres AKBP Erfan Prasetyo, who reminded the masses so that students generally do not act stupid, and the effect of more academic. Massa would reject the statement Kapolres with yel yel disrupt Kapolres. Show time at 13:00 Wita, when mass Kudeta intends to leave Kejati.

Apparently, not a mass of contra Attikurahman the sense of the demonstration, dozens of people who claim to be from the Alliance Bombana also do a demo in the area, as ex MTQ. They expect Kajati not be affected over the unilateral declaration menyudutkan Regent Bombana.''We support the performance of prosecutors this week, but still the presumption azas not guilty. Do not want urged by groups who want to split the mass in Bombana, "Koordinatornya rough.

Both the mass pro and contra Attikurahman this, nearly ricuh on Jl. Ahmad Yani Kendari, exactly in front of the office Kejati. Fortunately the police is able to overcome so that conflicts do not occur so that there is only a mouth compete. Wita around 14.00, the second mass is different this Kejati leave under the escort officer is not going to anarchic action.
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