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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

About Demonstration Report Allegations of Corruption Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi

Images that demonstrate

Bored with promises prosecutors, hundreds of mass Committee for Democracy, Justice and Budget Transparency (Kudeta) back in the judiciary unjukrasa High (Kejati) South East Sulawesi, Monday (19/1). They demanded the prosecutor immediately restore file reports indicate corruption Regent Bombana Attiku Rahman.

Arwin M Malik, Coordinator Officer, said, Kajati performance is balanced Hutauruk. Section, since reports indicate corruption Regent Bombana of 2006 presented in Kejati, until now have not direspon prosecution. For that, Kudeta choose to take back the file that had been reported since three years ago.

"We bored with the promises that prosecutors only give a statement without any realization. Now, we ask that the report has been submitted to the Asintel Kejati Arifin Arie be returned to us. Do not report to us only as the prosecutor only ATM,'' accuse him.

As a form of disappointment over the performance of prosecutors, who brought mass keranda autopsy was planned to bring the problem to Atikurrahman Court Tipikor. For that, Kudeta urgent Kejati restore the file corruption that he said have been established penyelidiknya team. Arie Arifin who try to meet the masses declined. Wakajati AK Basuni M intends to give the explanation that the indications of corruption Bombana have been followed up, demonstrators also ignored.

Massa next five minutes to give the deadline for prosecutors to file the required return. Feeling ignored the request, the mass was stifling. They threw rotten eggs and tomatoes to the Kejati. As a result, the front door, including police and judiciary staff is exposed to throw eggs and tomatoes. Only, they do not terpancing in action pengunjuk sense of the urgent Kejati parties immediately submit the report Atikurrahman.

After one hour berorasi, mass consisting of various elements Sultra Affairs and this is the entry into force Kejati. The goal is to force the various reports that indicate corruption Bupati Bombana. There was jostling between officials with the mass, but soon overcome. Demonstration in the middle of the action, working in space Asintel Arie Arifin racket going. Apparently, the former Kajari Majalengka, swoon. See the group of prosecutors who have brought Asintel, no mass flow back to the side Kejati. They suspect petinggi Kejati Office intends to leave. After ensuring no one Kejati employees leave the office, the mass concentrated in the back door entrance. They were also not affected Ambulance RSUD Sultra intend to bring the Asintel. Demonstration who has aspirations of his 3 hour, as if not affected by the information Asintel unconscious. They would require the prosecutor to return back their reports. The situation back strain, when Wakajati AK Basuni meet again while the mass was never officially signed in the report indicate Attikurahman corruption.

Hear the explanation, the turbulent pendemonstrasi back. Police who try memediasi declined Kudeta. No matter Kapolres AKBP Erfan Prasetyo, who reminded the masses so that students generally do not act stupid, and the effect of more academic. Massa would reject the statement Kapolres with yel yel disrupt Kapolres. Show time at 13:00 Wita, when mass Kudeta intends to leave Kejati.

Apparently, not a mass of contra Attikurahman the sense of the demonstration, dozens of people who claim to be from the Alliance Bombana also do a demo in the area, as ex MTQ. They expect Kajati not be affected over the unilateral declaration menyudutkan Regent Bombana.''We support the performance of prosecutors this week, but still the presumption azas not guilty. Do not want urged by groups who want to split the mass in Bombana, "Koordinatornya rough.

Both the mass pro and contra Attikurahman this, nearly ricuh on Jl. Ahmad Yani Kendari, exactly in front of the office Kejati. Fortunately the police is able to overcome so that conflicts do not occur so that there is only a mouth compete. Wita around 14.00, the second mass is different this Kejati leave under the escort officer is not going to anarchic action.

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