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Monday, January 26, 2009

Preparation for Working Journalists Environment in Dangerous

Most significantly the usual overwrite journalists in the area of the war when they are working in range rifle, bombs, mines, rocket or artillery. But environmental harm wider region rather than a battle field. When the cover insurrection or inform the public sense, journalists are more likely to experience physical danger when compared with traditional coverage of war between the regular army. A journalist who worked far from basisnya without the usual support they have also take the form of:

- Disease
- Traffic accidents and other accidents
- Violence, including a targeted attack
- Blasting
- Fatigue
- Emotional stress and moral failure.

Many journalists who slowly fall because of disease or traffic accidents compared with yan journalists killed or injured in the war, journalists and the sick because of a fever or food poisoning, not a normal function or copy the file to. Fokuslah although the main danger appears to be no risk segemerlap role in the field. Violence often comes from the unexpected direction, such as a demonstration of ongoing fierce or community members who feel aggrieved frutasi their release to the media.

A matter that can be understandable if many journalists who covered the story in a variety of situations prepare the environment that are not in the habit outside normal pressure. Journalists need to prepare the mental, physical and with the reasonable. The goal is to be vigilant so that journalists and precautions they can. Stay in control the situation as much as possible is better than trust fortune. A journalist is almost never actually can control, and no one can be called a zero risk, but any journalist can assess risk and be more alert to the danger.

even the situation does not look dangerous to be dangerous to ordinary reporters or camera crew is not prepared, the situation is very dangerous safer through risk assessment, preparation and implementation of both the knowledge you have. Planning not only to bring you coverage and kambali kelokasi dangan more survivors, but also help you identify the key elements of the story that will tell you, you will liput. Also planning to give more knowledge to you, and more effective in gathering news or pictures.

Before departure

a) make sure you are healthy physical condition to carry out this task
Many journalists who accept the task for improving career, even though they endanger. But every journalist must be honest in themselves. What physical condition you are in a reasonable level of health? If circumstances force mampukah you walk or run through the night to save themselves? Can you work far from the hotel's convenient? Fitnes become very important and you must be physically able to work when needed.

b) expand your knowledge about the local situation
what you know about political and social situation of the regions you enter? Who the main players? Short reports about whether the latest development is enough? What languages do they use? How their attitude towards the media in general? How their attitude towards you? How their attitude towards the media you? Are you at risk is greater because of your tribe? Will the group have a history of violence against journalists or be cruel to the civil society? Where is the border that you need to know? Is there an area that can not be skipped? Permission what you need and from whom? Will the incident affect you out of the way?

Information about the situation, the people and the community that you liput is vital information. The journalists that are less about the local culture and language can make a big mistake journalists. They easily alienate and offend the local community without them realize. Even journalists who cover themselves in the country can also load a mistake when entering areas that are not dikenalnya. This can be caused by differences in language or dialect that digunakan.untuk cover their nervous or because the patient does not want to get the story, some journalists to speak to use the tone arogan. In general, journalists and photographers who treat people with respect, more successful in getting the cooperation of local communities.

Knowledge of language is a valuable asset. If you work in one place for some time, at least learn basic words. Journalists often send a notice to cover a short story using language that does not understand or they may be considered hostile. However, people usually want to hear if you greet them with the language they use. Learn umgkapan-expression such as: "a journalist is," Can you help me? or "I need a doctor."

Many things that you do not know when your first time to come to a country or a region. Journalists who either do not know all about it, but they ask questions and learn quickly. You can get vital information from the journalists a first come and work there. They can share experiences that will help you more quickly. However, some journalists into the warehouse of cynicism that prevents us with clear thinking. Trained media professionals appreciate the people who are in the work place merka. Journalists to describe the place and the people they liput with words that do not insult may help you dig up the local situation in depth.

c) know your rights
Fire does not enter into the burnt building without knowing what they face and how to address them, but journalists are always going to cover a conflict without knowing the rules that apply there. Many journalists who leave the stock little information about the area, and international laws and local practices or even at all without the knowledge. They went on without awareness of their rights as an independent and neutral observers. Only a few journalists who can quote the relevant protocols of the geneva konvesi and humanitarian laws that affirm the rights of those non-combat.
Journalists must be on the political and legal conditions of a region. Before leaving they need to know the role of international Committee of the red cross (red cross international), representatives of UN agencies and regional representatives.

d) social protection
What if bad things happen? Do you have insurance and what will happen to your family? Needs to be given immediate medical treatment and is rehabilitation. It takes a longer time to do physical injury rehabilitation or psychological injury. Journalists need to know that their earnings will still be given and not reduced if they were not able to work. If they are killed then the money will be given to their families. Groups, the media may say that they do not have the resources for this form of insurance such as, but one has to pay the price and not in private. Journalists organizations must ensure that this important request is approved. Insurance and medical insurance provided to freelance journalists should be the same as the amount given to staff members. Insurance and insurance must also be given to all team members.

e) Review of dangerous diseases
PPA disease is prevalent in the location that you will liput? Do you need special immunizations? Do you have to take drugs? You can find information on the site the world organisazation international travel and health. address.

f) Path clear information desk with the news you
Communication with the news desk or producers can be a problem when you are away from the office.

g) Bringing the right equipment
Equipment that allows nearly unlimited number of vehicles began lining steel, satellite phone, a light waterproof, to a piece for dibarter brown. Too much equipment you can take depending on the location and your resources. List some of the most important tools:

Press card
Card is a press badge that also includes your picture.

Important numbers
Bring a list of phone numbers, along with important notes who should be contacted when the accident occurred.

Empty wallet
Money and important documents you must be stored safely in a place not visible.

In conflict situations, usually the source of clean water stops flowing or terkontaminasi.

Box P3K
P3K box is a vital need for journalists who may be outside the range of medical services.

Long lens
Cameraman and photographers have a way that they are more secure with a long lens.

Take a whistle, when a wind instrument any time you need to attract attention or give a warning.

Personal needs
If you work far from the base or to stay, make sure you bring the equipment to maintain personal hygiene and your spirit.

h) Preparing the vehicle
When you are away from base for long periods, you should have your own vehicle. This is not just for security and speed your journey, but also to save the equipment that was difficult. When possible, drivers should use the dedicated members of your team.

i) Take the appropriate clothing
Clothes that you need depends on the climate, season and length of your stay away from the base.

Shoes are important to support the needs of mobility and can run in a long time if needed.

Clothing pomp and flake
In some cases use several layers so you can wear when you release, marasa fervor. Outermost layer of clothing should be loose. Terdalam layer should be from natural cotton or other materials. Be careful, you can not make a mistake on a soldier - especially if you wear a jacket bearing no transparency.

Protective clothing
If you ditembak, you will need a strong protection. The best protection comes from the body combat jacket with a protective armor for the neck, neck, and the lower part of the body that has a cover with steel plates that can be entered. Ceramic plate steel and lighter than the metal plate but need treatment. Combat jacket will protect some fire with small arms fire, speed and low pieces of mine. Steel plate will protect from weapons fire shot high-speed and sharpshooter. But heavy jacket with two steel plate (d idepan and on the back) is about 12 kilograms (26 pounds). You may not run out of time if using this equipment and helmets. Protection equipment is designed for women, although the price tends to be more expensive.

1 comment:

  1. its not easy to leave a comment in ur blog. my popup block is active, and i don't want to reactivate it for im afraid of malicious threat to my computer.

    btw..owh u are so keen wth the israeli issue.. i saw a poster in my campus telling that resistance had won. glory to gaza! khaibar2.
